Catch Reports

Massive Linear!

Posted in Catch Reports on 14th October 2007

Well known big fish angler and Essential Bait consultant Rick Golder has struck gold yet again. Rick is no stranger to big fish and is certainly no stranger to one particular linear that has found itself in Ricks net on a couple of previous occasions. However, on this occasion it bounced the scales around to an all time high of 48lb 2oz!!

Rick’s awesome late autumn capture fell to the winterised version of the Shellfish B5, but like most big fish that get a taste for the B5, they just keep getting tripped up on it time and time again. The Colne Valley carp will be pleased to hear that Rick is hanging up his rods until January for ‘new baby’ duties! Good luck with it all fella.

Mike on Bag 'n' Stick Liquids

The main function of liquids is to boost food signals in and around your baited rig and increase the chances of fish being pulled into the area. Stick Mixes, Method Mixes and Ground bait can simply be mixed together with water, but by adding a liquid food as well, you will be increasing the food signals coming from the bait.

On many occasions I’ve witnessed carp being pulled down from the upper layers on to the baited spot, and I have no doubt that this has been due to the liquids sending out attractive food messages through the water column.

Of course these liquids can be used for a number of other useful applications as well. For example, coating pellets with these liquids will disperse quicker/better messages of food than pellets used on their own, and a single Pop-Up launched out into the middle of nowhere will undoubtedly benefit from being soaked in a liquid for a few hours first.

I can honestly say that these Bag ‘n’ Stick Liquids have caught me a number of ‘bonus fish’ when I’ve been pretty much convinced that I would have struggled without using them. There will be a time and a place to use them, but ignore them at your peril!