Catch Reports

Impressive Big Fish haul!

Posted in Catch Reports on 23rd March 2008

Bristol bachelor David Fuidge decided to give the Squid/Black Pepper version of the awesome B5 a blast on his most recent outing to his Berkshire syndicate water and what an amazing session it turned out to be! Within 24-hours he turned his swim into a fish feeding frenzy as the fish just kept on coming…..

By the end of his 3-night session, Dave’s impressive 15-fish tally stood as follows: two doubles, six twenties to 29lb 4oz, then a 31.04 common followed by mirrors of 32.08, 33.00, 33.04, 35.10, 36.04 and how about this for being honest, a 39lb 15oz mirror! After he has received physiotherapy to his right arm Dave has promised to return!!

Liquid Flavours

A cracking forty-plus caught from a pressured venue on the B5 with Shellfish Plum flavour. Bait choice was a key factor to a very succesful campaign on this venue. 

Liquid flavours play an important roll within the creation of a successful long term bait recipe for a number of reasons. They will not only help to give the finished bait it’s own unique taste profile, but also give it a distinctive ‘label’ that the carp will come to recognise through association. In other words, you will be educating them to eat the bait and recognise the 'taste' and 'smell' over a period of time.

Be careful not to get flavours confused with attractors though, because in terms of nutritional value, unlike liquid foods, they have little or no food value, however, for the reasons outlined above, they are a very important addition to any successful recipe.