Catch Reports

Target Fish Nailed!

Posted in Catch Reports on 22nd June 2008

Lee Willmott has been concentrating his efforts on to a Southern river system in recent weeks where he’s been introducing the bait on a regular basis since July in search of a large scaley resident. The bait has been steadily introduced to several different stretches of the river over six miles apart in preparation for a September assault, however, Lee has been doing a few short sessions on each of these spots to see how the bait is working and was pleasantly surprised to nail his target fish at 37lb 8oz on one of these short trips!

A number of other good fish have also been banked during these short visits, which has made all the hard work, effort and expense even more rewarding. Lee has been using the B5-Squid version of the famous bait in 20mm and 24mm sizes in conjunction with Essential’s Rock Hard Balanced Wafter hookbaits to bank the big mirror.

Fluoro pop-ups

Whilst carp are not generally recognised as sight feeders, there are undoubtedly times when they are visually drawn to a food source and bright pop-ups are a classic example of this. It's not surprising therefore, that fluoro pop-ups have proved very effective, particularly if just using a single bait with no free offerings. The winter and spring months are a classic example of this and a single fluoro pop-up cast to a 'showing' fish has resulted in the downfall of many a carp.

But it would be a mistake to think fluoro pop-ups should be just restricted to single bait presentation. Quite often, a fluoro pop-up fished over a bed of bait can fool the wariest of carp and a little 10mm fluoro pop-up mounted above a standard bottom bait can act as a very good visual sight and lead to a bite or two when other methods fail to produce.