Catch Reports

Yet more Forties for Finan!

Posted in Catch Reports on 19th July 2008

We find it hard to keep track of just how many big fish Martin Finan catches, but let’s just say it’s one hell of a lot!! We know for a fact that it’s at least six forties during the past 5-months, with 3 of them going over 45lb and up to 54lb – that’s incredible, and if you tally up what he’s caught during the past couple of years, he’s probably the most successful big fish angler in the UK at the moment. All Martin’s fish have fallen to the ever consistent Shellfish B5 with Squid and Black Pepper.

His most recent conquest resulted in the capture of this magnificent 45.03 mirror, but wait for it…..since banking this forty, he has since returned to the venue to catch a 34lb common followed by a 45lb mirror!!! As you would expect, the B5 producing the goods once again. Is there a better ‘Big fish’ bait than the B5? You can bet your life there isn’t!!

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