Catch Reports

B5 Mirror

Posted in Catch Reports on 16th June 2010

We received an email with the heading ‘B5 Mirror’ from long term Essential Bait user Paul Harris from Oxfordshire and it was such a stunning picture we just had to use it. We don’t have much information other than it was caught on B5 and was over thirty pounds. That’ll do for now!

Nutritional Base Mixes

Rob Fielding knows the importance of using a high quality food bait and as soon as he switched over to using Essential Baits, it completely transformed his fishing.

It almost goes without saying just how important I believe a good quality nutritional base mix is when it comes to catching carp on a consistent basis. You’ve only got to look at the success of the B5, year after year, to understand that a good quality food source will completely out-fish baits with lower nutritional values.

One of the most important things to remember is that carp have the ability to search out and recognise food signals prior to consumption. In other words, a good quality food source will spell the word FOOD as it releases ‘attractor signals’ into the surrounding water.

Baits constructed with little or no food value are unable to do this, and once any added attractors have been dispersed into the surrounding water, there will be no more food signals coming from the bait. In short, a good quality food bait will continue to send messages of food long after other baits have stopped working, and will continue to prove more successful, both short term and long term.