Catch Reports

B5 gets Black eye!

Posted in Catch Reports on 13th October 2010

We’ve recently had a lovely letter from Mark Foster commenting on the quality and effectiveness of our bait and thanking the Essential team for such a good service. It’s always nice to hear we are doing things right but at the end of the day, it’s you guys that are out there on the bank that deserve all the accolades, especially when you catch fish like this awesome 48lb 1oz mirror known as ‘Black Eye’.

Mark used our Shellfish B5 freezer boilies to tempt the beast out of its watery home. He also banked the two-tone linear at 35.11 and seems to have caught consistently on all the waters he’s fished this year. Mark puts it down to the bait, we put it down to good angling. What the hell, the both combined are a recipe for guaranteed success!

Advantages of Liquid Foods

Long time carper Dave Gawthorn proudly displays a stunning 40lb+ mirror. Dave often uses Essential's Liquid Foods to his advantage. 

Liquid food additives are undoubtedly an important part of the carp angers bait armoury. Their main function is to boost food signals in and around your baited rig or your baited area. Stick Mixes or groundbaits can simply be mixed together with water, but by adding a liquid food as well, you will be increasing the food signals coming from the bait, which in turn is far more likely to lead to a quicker rate of investigation and more frenzied fish activity.

Coating pellets with a Liquid Food will disperse quicker/better messages of food than pellets used on their own, and a single Pop-Up launched in the middle of nowhere will undoubtedly benefit from boosting the attraction properties with a Liquid Food. They can be particularly beneficial for short session use when you need to maximise attraction in the minimum amount of time. They are also beneficial for coldwater use when we need to send extra messages of food through the water column in an attempt to arouse those otherwise lethargic carp. Ignore them at your peril!