Mike’s Diary

Spring is in the air

Posted in Mike’s Diary on 03rd April 2011

I'm not really sure where all the time has gone this year but at least we can say spring is now well and truly upon us. I've even managed to get the rods out for the first time in over 5-months! It was just lovely to be at the lake side once again and I love this time of the year, especially the amazing dawn chorus as night turns to day and filling our lungs with cool fresh spring air after another long, hard and frustrating winter - yes, spring has finally arrived and here's to a long sun filled summer - hopefully!

Oh yes, I nearly forgot - I also caught one! Not a giant at 22lb 8oz but its sheer beauty more than made up for its size and it was only the third fish out of the difficult venue in 5-months - a very pleasing result. I'm planning to do a bit more over the next month before hanging my rods up for the rest of 2011 and concentrating on our new house build. It will be a very frustrating time for me but I have to get my priorities in order, besides, the fish will still be there and my hunger will be greater than ever when I finally return.

On the bait front we have never been so busy and for the first time in the entire history of Essential Baits, such is the demand, we are now working on a 4 week lead time for fresh boilies, this despite working 12-hour rolling shifts every day!! We are doing our very best to look after our customers and I would like to personally thank everyone for their loyal support and patience. As our customers keep telling us - "the best is always worth waiting for"...

Wafters as hookbaits

Ian May with one of many 40lb+ commons he's landed on Essential Baits by making sure his hookbait placement is spot on.

The name 'Wafters' can be a little misleading because we don't want these baits too critically balanced. In our experience a hookbait that's too 'buoyant' can 'waft' all over the place as a carp approaches the bait and render it very ineffective and easy to eject. What we have done with these special hookbaits is to make them slightly more buoyant than a standard bottom bait straight out of the bag. This in turn will negate the weight of the hook and the hooklink and by the time the rig is presented, it will behave the same as the free offerings surrounding it. This is exactly what you need to achieve if you think about it because the carp will be feeding on the freebies and you want your hookbait to behave in exactly the same way.


Our Wafters are 'tougher' than boilies straight out of the bag and are a popular choice for anglers that prefer their hookbaits a little harder than their freebies.