Catch Reports

B5 or Black Snail? They're both running riot!!

Posted in Catch Reports on 14th May 2011

We're having so many reports of of outstanding captures on the B5 and the Black Snail lately, it's impossible to say which one is coming out on top! The following two commons are a classic example and both reports arrived within 10-mins of each other!

Both commons are 35lb+ and the first (top left) fell to the rods of long time Essential Bait user Mark Jermey on the Shellfish B5, whilst Andy Windmill (bottom left) was busy putting the new Black Snail through its paces to bank this gorgeous 35lb 8oz common first time out on the bait!!

The B5 has long since been recognised as the best big fish bait ever produced (even admitted my many other bait companies) but the new Black Snail is definitely challenging its throne! One thing is certain, we now firmly believe we have the two best carp baits ever developed, so whichever one you choose, you can't go far wrong...

The wonders of Thaumatin

Thaumatin is undoubtedly one of the most attractive ingredients we have ever seen when it comes to producing a stimulatory response. It can be used in particles, boilies, boilie glugs, liquid foods, stick, spod and spomb mixes etc, etc. Even match anglers have used it in their maggots and groundbait formulations and romped past their nearest competitors, simply because the fish seem to go into a complete feeding frenzy when this stuff is added to food!

We Would NEVER advocate the use of particles without Thaumatin and we promise that you will see a massive difference compared to particles without it. With so many shelf life particles available on shop shelves, and doubts about the aded preservatives making them taste 'bitter', Thaumatin is the perfect answer. Just a few mils per jar can make the world of difference and significantly improve your catch rate.

Beware of immitations! Essential Baits are the ONLY company that market Thaumatin-B.