Catch Reports


Posted in Catch Reports on 11th October 2011

This just has to be one of the best catch reports of the year and we've held it back for over a month out of respect... Matt Gosling had been fishing away on a notoriously difficult gin clear 90-acre Cambridshire pit for several months without so much as a single bite (not on Essential Baits incidentally). Then a close friend suggested he should try Essential's Black Snail frozen boilies following the baits phenomenal success on a number of different waters.

Due to the pit's abundance of natural food Matt decided to give the Black Snail a go and on his very first session using the Black Snail he caught one of the jewels in the crown in the shape of an absolutely stunning 42lb 12oz mirror!

As if that wasn't enough, Matt returned to the pit a few days later for his second session on the new bait and instantly carried on where he left off by catching another forty!! This one went 40lb 2oz as well as mirror's of 27lb 8oz and a 31lb during the same session! - on his next session Matt continued to take the place apart when he banked another stunning creature, this one went 32lb 8oz!

A truly awesome feat on such a difficult water and full respect to Matt for catching what most would consider to be a season's worth of fish in just a few weeks. Take a close look at the fish - they don't get much better than these stunners and it just goes to prove (once again) that changing from a mediocre bait to a high quality food source makes a MASSIVE difference.

Well done Matt from all at Essential, you are the worthy winner of our latest 'Top Catch' competition...

Good quality food baits

Ben Thompson with a stunning 47lb 5oz pb mirror caught on B5 freezer boilies when the fish seemed totally pre-occupied with naturals!
I can't begin to stress the importance of using a high quality food bait when it comes to catching carp on a regular basis. A bait formulated with nutritional ingredients will be sending out food signals long after the liquid attractors have been dispersed, this due to the fact that the ingredients themselves will be breaking down and sending out messages of food into the surrounding water.

Cheaper baits that have little or no nutritional value might sound more attractive on the pocket, but they will cost you dearly when it comes to producing the goods. Once any liquid attractors have dispersed, the bait will not be sending out any food signals at all, but further to this, will have no nutritional benefit whatsoever.

Carp, like all other fish, soon learn to recognise a food source and will continue to eat it again and again if it provides them with a sense of nutritional satisfaction. They have the ability to detect a nutritional food source prior to consumption (food signals coming from the bait) and after ingestion. With this in mind, we have developed what we believe to be the highest quality range of nutritional food baits available, and the success of the B5 alone has certainly gone some way to proving this.