Catch Reports

Pete Springate smashes Somerset record with a 60-pounder!

Posted in Catch Reports on 08th July 2013

Well the above heading rocked the carp world for several hours recently when Mike Willmott posted it on his facebook page, but despite frantic calls from the weeklies begging for the exclusive story and the rumour mill going into overdrive, it was indeed a massive tongue in cheek wind up!! 

However, it was actually a true story because Mike never even mentioned it was a fish, and left this to the imagination of the media and general public to draw their own conclusions. The truth of the matter is that Pete put a trail of B5 out to tempt 'Victor' (one of Mike's giant tortoises) out of his home and to the waters edge before having his picture taken!! The pair then giggled furiously as the phone lines went into meltdown!

The following day Mike and Pete visited Ashmead as guests and Pete used the B5 to very good effect yet again, but this time on a fish! The result being a lovely 29lb 8oz common. The pair then returned to Mike's Springwood fishery and caught several fish between them up to 28lb 8oz. What a wonderful week of wind ups and whackers!

Long may we all continue to smile in this often too serious carp bubble we live in at times... 

Making your own

The amount of anglers making their own boilies these days are becoming less and less. This is understandable considering time limitations, but for those wishing to venture out into making their own boilies, these Handy Packs definitely are the way forward because everything you need (apart from eggs!) is inside the bucket.

Making your own bait allows you to use your own 'bespoke' combination of attractors to suit your individual needs. You can also make different shapes and sizes, as well as having the option over soft, medium or hard baits, depending on boiling times, or if you wish to include additional hardeners. Further to this, many anglers find it extremely rewarding to catch fish on a bait they have made themselves.