Catch Reports

Brace of thirties for Jerry

Posted in Catch Reports on 26th May 2014

Jerry Mills from Bridgwater had never been fortunate enough to catch a thirty pound carp until recently, but when he did, he caught two on the trot!! Jerry, decided to fish an overnighter on a local syndicate water where he introduced a kilo of Shellfish B5 frozen boilies to a marginal spot no more than 3-yards from the bank.

Within an hour of fishing Jerry's rod ripped off and after a hectic battle, he banked a lovely 30lb 12oz common. Absolutely elated with his capture Jerry then put the rod back out, but little did he know only a matter of hours would pass before he was doing battle with another big fish! This one turned out to be a 31lb mirror!

Two personal bests in the matter of hours. Top B5 Bombing Jerry and huge congratulations - 'Fat Boys' rule okay....

Balanced Dumbells

There are definitely times when standard round hook baits can lose their effectiveness and a switch to a different shape can often produce the goods. These pellet shaped hook baits offer a viable alternative to standard round hook baits and when mounted on a slightly longer hair and fished over a bed of pellets, they can often make the difference between success and failure!

Their shape not only makes them very difficult for the fish to eject, but coupled with their added buoyancy due to the inclusion of cork dust, they are also superb for fishing over the top of silt or weed. They are also very durable and will last for many hours without being nibbled away by nuisance fish, Crayfish or diving birds. Definitely worth considering when the going gets tough!

Top tip

Try mounting the dumbell on the hair long-ways. This will enter the carp's mouth easier, but will spin around on ejection thus making it more difficult for the carp to eject the hook.