Prices start from: £6.10

Exclusive Carp Fishing

We have been running exclusive carp fishing here at our Somerset headquarters for well over 20 years, but until recently, this has been restricted to a small number of syndicate members. Both venues are just a short 10 minute drive from Junction 23 or 24 of the M5.


This fantastic fishery has been well documented for many years and this beatuful mature lake of 3-acres holds some of the best carp in the country. It has everything you would want from a fishery - big carp (to mid 40) as well as fantastic looking fish, from true leathers to linears through to big scaly mirrors. This may sound biased, but we're sure most would agree that it has to be one of the most breathtaking lakes in the country, with tall weeping willows elegantly towering over the dense marginal reeds, flowering lily's, a beautiful array of colourful foliage set against a backdrop of tall conifers and clear water to watch large shadows cruising around beneath the surface. Then you have the amazing views of the Quantock Hills in the distance, and when the sun sets to signal the end of the day, the hills are silhouetted against a big red sky and you would be forgiven for thinking you were in paradise. The venue is miles from any major roads and the peace and traquility is just a simple pleasure to behold. So if you're looking to escape the 'hustle and bustle' of everyday life and looking for total quiteness and relaxation, coupled with the chance of some absolutely stunning carp, it does't get much better than Springwood. The lake also benefits from safe/secure parking, decent W/C and wash facilities with electricity for phone charging etc. Availability - Springwood is currently being run on a syndicate basis, but occasional places are available (albeit currently full until May 2023).


The Sanctuary

Well what more can we say about this amazing 2.5 acre venue, which as yet, has hardly been fished! The lake was only dug in 2018 and is currently maturing nicely (although not quite as mature as Springwood just yet). It's less than half a mile from Springwood, so shares the same peaceful surroundings and no/little noise from traffic and you can hear a pin drop at times. The wildlife is amazing with deer visiting often, buzzards circling the sky and our resident family of barn owls will keep you captivated. The common phrase most visitors say is, "the most peaceful and surreal fishery we have ever visited".    

The lake itself contains x 60 carp which have all grown on from eggs on site, so it is extremely unique in that sense. Three of the fish have already shot past the magical 40lb barrier and are still growing fast! We pride ourselves on our fish farming (and food bait production) and we promise you that some of these fish will simply take your breath away. 'Springates' for example is an immenseley long linear, which is getting on for 4ft long and 'Rocky' will just blow your mind with her large sovereign-like scattered scales! In terms of credibility and looks, this lake undoubtedly holds some of the country's most sought-after jewels. Furthermore, the carp have an amazing gene pool, and are a mixture of Springwood, Leney/dink, Frampton, Mere (yes, Black Mirror!) and Stoneacre bloodlines! It really doesn't get any better!! Most of these fish are still very young (4 and 5 years old) but growing fast, so you can expect a large head of 20's, but it's the 3 biggun's that will really wet the appetitie as the others play catch up!

It can be a tricky venue and quite weedy, so don't go expecting multiple captures unless you're really one step ahead of the game. It's much more suited to the more experienced carper, in fact, we insist that you have a good degree of angling experience and etiquette before stepping foot on this venue. You can take it from me peronally (Mike) that I will not tolerate any poor angling practices that could endanger the fish or other wildlife whilst on site, otherwise I will soon have you heading back down the track you entered! I will be on site 24/7 to make sure that doesn't happen, but more so to help and guide you wherever I can (and drink your tea!) but I don't suffer fools, so I'm warning you in advance. We have a separate document prepared to help you with rules and general advice on the lake, which you are welcome to receive prior to booking, or you can email or message me with any questions via our Sanctuary Fishery facebook page. 

The fishery also benefits from safe secure parking (under two different gate/Locks) a decent W/C and wash facilities, electricity and a shower.

Availability - We currently have a very small syndicate in place, who rarely fish, but when they do, mainly at weekends. We are therefore opening up the fishery on a VERY limited basis and ONLY for 48 hours each week. This being from midday Tuesday (arrival) to Midday Thursday (departure). This is for TWO anglers ONLY and you will have the whole lake to yourselves during this time. This is for the whole lake booking, so if one anglers on his/her own wanted to book, the lake is all yours. Mike will meet and greet you at the first gate on arrival.


Costs below

The times below allow a little extra time to arrive, unpack, look around etc..

1) Arrive Tuesday from 10am leave venue by 11am Wednesday = £150 (£75 each or £150 if just for one angler)

2) Arrive Wednesday from Midday leave venue by 1pm Thursday = £150 (£75 each or £150 if just for one person)

You can book 1 and 2 above as one complete lake booking, arriving from 10am Tuesday and departing by 1pm Thursday. Cost = £300

A 50% non-refundable deposit will secure your booking. The remainder must be paid 24 hours before your arrival. 

Booking is simple. Just call the following number 01278 427634 (office hours). Choose whichever Tuesday/Wed/Thus slots you require between July and the end of November. Pay non-returnable deposit or in full, and the dates are yours.

You will be sent information, rules etc in full when booking, but these are also available on request prior to booking.




Liquid Flavours

A cracking forty-plus caught from a pressured venue on the B5 with Shellfish Plum flavour. Bait choice was a key factor to a very succesful campaign on this venue. 

Liquid flavours play an important roll within the creation of a successful long term bait recipe for a number of reasons. They will not only help to give the finished bait it’s own unique taste profile, but also give it a distinctive ‘label’ that the carp will come to recognise through association. In other words, you will be educating them to eat the bait and recognise the 'taste' and 'smell' over a period of time.

Be careful not to get flavours confused with attractors though, because in terms of nutritional value, unlike liquid foods, they have little or no food value, however, for the reasons outlined above, they are a very important addition to any successful recipe.