
Black Snail Balanced Hookers

These extremely effective 'pellet shaped' Balanced Hookers have been designed to identically match our range of Black Snail boilies, glugs, pop-ups and pellets. They contain all of the ingredients and attractors included within our Black Snail boilie recipe, including snail powder, Betaine, Caviar and salmon oil.
We have added granulated cork dust to give them a greater degree of buoyancy and negate the weight of the hook to make them behave more naturally. They can be coated with our Black Snail Liquid Food to further increase their ‘pulling power’.

Size: 12mm x 16mm Dumbell shape (shelf life)


£5.50 per tub

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Bag 'n' Stick Mixes

Team Essential member Wayne Lindsey with one of two 40lb+ commons caught within a week by increasing attraction levels in his baited area.

Since the publication of numerous articles on PVA stick mix presentations, the use of dedicated mixes to facilitate for this style of fishing have become very popular indeed. The main principle behind this type of presentation is being able to place your hook bait smack bang in the middle of a concentrated parcel of food.

In many ways, it's the perfect way to achieve absolute pin point bait presentation around your baited rig, and there are times when it can be an absolutely deadly method. This type of presentation can often lead to an extra bite or two when perhaps single hook baits or stringers fail to achieve the desired results. The extra attraction of tiny particles breaking down around your hook bait will send out a cloud of food that will not only provide a bigger visual target for the fish to see, but will also send out effective food signals into the surrounding water.